【 XRAGE 暢飲活動 】
#台南沒買到的朋友 , 這次可以到三重買!

▇ 來自日本主打「 仲間 」的 XRAGE,你跟上了嗎 ?

啤酒頭釀造與日本潮牌「 XRAGE 」聯名推出的台南限定款「 劍獅刺繡T-shirt 」,在台南沒買到的朋友,這次可以到三重買!

▇ 本次活動重點:身穿 XRAGE 任何品牌衣就送「 24節氣精釀啤酒-小滿 1瓶 」

  • 身穿 XRAGE 任何品牌衣就送「 24節氣精釀啤酒-小滿 1瓶 」
  • 現場販售台南限定款「 劍獅刺繡T-shirt 」,限量 10 件 L 尺寸及 10 件 XL 尺寸,售價 1,399 元
  • 2 小時 20 款酒品喝到飽!
  • 神秘酒廠限定款精釀啤酒
  • 以杯換杯,一杯接一杯

( 限定版 XRAGE 聯名劍獅刺繡 T-shirt )

▇ 你是精釀啤酒愛好者嗎 ?


▇ 常常想要不同口味全部品嘗嗎 ?


( TAPROOM 暢飲場地 )

▇ 活動流程

  • 18:50 - 19:00 :報到入場 ( 領取發票及活動手環 )
  • 19:00 - 21:00 :暢飲喝到飽!
  • 21:00 - 21:10 :晚安說掰掰

∎ 報名資訊

 時間|9 月 13 日:19:00 - 21:00
 地點|啤酒頭釀造觀光酒廠 2 樓(新北市三重區中興北街50號)

  • 酒廠暢飲單人票 :699 元
  • 深度酒廠導覽單人票 + 酒廠暢飲單人票 :套票 999元 ( 原價1349元 )

∎ 其他疑問

 ◉ 有企業包場或客製的方案嗎 ? |請聯繫官方 LINE 帳號
 ◉ 其他疑問或合作請洽官方 LINE 帳號 :@826sstnn / 官方 LINE 帳號連結

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※報名還沒成功哦~ 請按「填寫下一頁」

銀行 : 國泰世華
分行 : 重新分行
Account name: Taiwan Bill Culture Co., Ltd.
Bank account number: 220035003479

※ 發票將於報到時給予
※ 請於匯款備註寫上:門票

【 Line Pay 】

∎ Precautions

  • When participating in this event, participants agree to accept the rules and regulations of this event. Anyone who violates the precautions of this event will be disqualified by the organizer, and any personal attacks, abuses, reposts, incitements, etc. that undermine this event will be deleted.
  • While participating in this event, participants agree to accept the rules and regulations of this event (including its updated and revised contents). If there is any violation, the organizer may cancel their registration qualifications. If this causes damage to the organizer, or any other third party, may request damages from the participant, and the participant shall bear all relevant responsibilities.
  • If there is any computer, Internet, telephone, technical or other reasons that are not attributable to the organizer, the information sent or logged in by the participants may be delayed, lost, wrong, unidentifiable or damaged. The organizer will not be held legally responsible for any information that may be invalid, and participants shall not object accordingly.
  • If any force majeure occurs, the event will be canceled or postponed. The date and refund will be notified separately. We apologize for any inconvenience.
  • If there is anything unsatisfactory in this activity method, our company reserves the right to change the details of this activity.

activity map

Address: No. 50, Zhongxing North Street, Sanchong District, New Taipei City 24158