
Activity Information

CND 15 精釀不死 ◉ 生啤/限量瓶裝上市!🔥

啤酒頭精釀不死 Craft Never Die,將以每個月都推陳出新的速度在各大酒吧亮相! 

本次 CND 15 以高酒精酸啤酒為基底,在橡木桶內熟成近四年,搭配香草和土肉桂一同發酵,並用黑糖在尾韻賦予酒款淡淡甜香,也與酸質達成巧妙的平衡。

「Craft Never Die 精釀不死」這系列是釀酒師的硬派堅持,要將系列中每款啤酒都注入堅實的釀造靈魂⚡


日期 | 5月3日(五)、5月17日(五) 19:00 – 21:00

Address | Beer Head Brewing Store (No. 50, Zhongxing North Street, Sanchong District, New Taipei City)

Seats are limited and only reservations are accepted

歡迎私訊或於首頁連結預約 | 來電02-8511-0085 | 官方LINE:@826sstnn

※Limited to 2 hours, cup for cup

※Beer Head Brewing reserves the final right to modify, change, suspend or terminate the content of this event at any time

(Drunk driving is prohibited, minors are not allowed to drink)

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